Category Archives: File Systems

Installing and Configuring Zentyal 3.3 on Ubuntu 12.04-LTS

While sorting out this HOWTO and learning how to setup Zentyal I used my Network lab, See how to set up your own. If you do use this then remember to turn of the DHCP server in the router if you intend to use the DHCP server within the Zentyal server.

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Setup a Test Lab With VirtualBox, depreciated

I found a much simper way to do this! See my updated blog post Setup a Test Networking Lab With VirtualBox

I’m always playing around with new IT technology. Up until recently I just did it with VirtualBox on my PC’s and messed with the network and then cleared up the mess afterwards. This was not good, not to mention a waste of time when I could be playing around with the next new shiny bit of tech or software.

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Installing a Mailserver on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Part 1


Why I wrote this.

I wrote this HOWTO after following many other HOWTOs for Postfix and Exim and finding that parts did not work or did not explain how things worked. In short I spent many hours installing and reinstalling, playing around with settings and generally having fun. (I need to get a life) I wrote this HOWTO as record of what I did to get my own mail server up and running. I can now and in the future follow these steps again and rebuild my own mail server. I hope it is of use to others too.

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HOWTO send a refresh to a DHCP server

At some point you will need to refresh the lease on a network card, NIC, by sending a refresh command to your DHCP server.

To send the release to the DHCP client use the following. remember this will remember this will effectively turn off your network connection. If you are connected remotely you may loose your connection.

sudo dhclient -r

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HOWTO: setup a PXE Server with dnsmasq

To setup a PXE server with dnsmasq is really simple the second time 🙂 This is how I did mine on Ubuntu 12.04, but it should be similar on most Linux distros and versions.

Setup dnsmasq so it is providing DNS and DHCP first. See my How to setup dnsmasq for DNS and DHCP.

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HOWTO:Mount an ISO

This is so easy, the second time :-)!

You will need somewhere to mount the ISO. If you are expecting to do this more than once then create a specific ISO directory.

sudo mkdir -p /media/iso

Now you can mount the iso,

sudo mount -o loop /path/to/your.iso /media/iso

To access the iso image simply cd or access /media/iso which is now the root of your image.

When you are all done you can umount the image with

sudo umount /media/iso